Bientôt disponible !! 2023 Alex McClelland et Chris Bruckert, "Ethics and Confidentiality : Reflections and Lessons Learned Post-Parent and Bruckert v R and Magnotta", (2022) 37(2) CJLS/RCDS 187-208. Mention honorable : Mary Anne Vallianatos, "Marginal Citizens : Interracial intimacies and the incarceration of Japanese Canadians, 1942-1949", (2022) 37(1) CJLS/RCDS 49-67. 2022 Martin French, Dani Tardif, Sylvia Kairouz & Annie-Claude Savard, "A Governmentality of Online Gambling : Quebec's Contested Internet Gambling Website Blocking Provisions", (2021) 36(3) CJLS/RCDS 483-504. 2021 Samuel Singer, "Trans Rights Are Not Just Human Rights : Legal Strategies for Trans Justice", (2020) 35(2) CJLS/RCDS 293-315. Mention honorable : Iyad Mohammad Jadalhaq & Luigi Russi, "Finding Direction at the Edge of Law and Life : Islamic Fiqh, Correspondence, and UAE Takāful Insurance Regulation" (2020) 35(3) CJLS/RCDS 477-497. 2020 Philip Boyle and Tia Dafnos, "Infrastructures of Pacification : Vital Points, Critical Infrastructure, and Police Power in Canada" (2019) 34(1) CJLS/RCDS 79-98. Mention honorable : Christa Scholtz & Maryna Polataiko,"Transgresser la division des pouvoirs : The Case of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement" (2019) 34(3) CJLS/RCDS 393-415. 2019 Anna C. Pratt et Jessica Templeman, "Jurisdiction, Sovereignties and Akwesasne : Shiprider and the Re-Crafting of Canada-US Cross-Border Maritime Law Enforcement " (2018) 33 CJLS/RCDS 335-57. Mention honorable : Andrea Sterling et Emily van der Meulen, "'We Are Not Criminals' : Sex Work Clients and the Constitution of Risk Knowledge" (2018) 33 CJLS/RCDS 291-308. 2018 Jennifer Raso, "Displacement as Regulation : New Regulatory Technologies and Front-Line Decision-Making in Ontario Works" (2017) 32 CJLS/RCDS 75-95. Mention honorable : Lisa Kerr, " Sentencing Ashley Smith : How Prison Conditions Relate to the Aims of Punishment " (2017) 32 CJLS/ACDS 187-207. 2017 Marianne Quirouette, Tyler Frederick, Jean Hughes, Jeff Karabanow et Sean Kidd, " 'Conflict with the Law' : Regulation & Homeless Youth Trajectories Toward Stability" (2016) 31 CJLS/RCDS 383-404. Mention honorable : Barry D. Adam, Jason Globerman, Richard Elliott, Patrice Corriveau, Ken English et Sean Rourke, "HIV Positive People's Perspectives on Canadian Criminal Law and Non-Disclosure" (2016) 31 CJLS/RCDS 1-23. 2016 G. Blaine Baker, " Testamentary Archeology in Late-Victorian Ontario : William Martin's Little, Posthumous Legal System" (2015) 30 CJLS/RCDS 345-63. Mention honorable : Anita Lam et Lily Cho, "Under the Lucky Moose : Belatedness and Citizen's Arrest in Canada" (2015) 30 CJLS/RCDS 147-62. 2015 Eva Mackey, "Unsettling Expectations : (Un)Certainty, Settler States of Feeling, Law, and Decolonization" (2014) 29 CJLS/RCDS 235-52. Mention honorable : Lori Chambers et Jen Roth, "Prejudice Unveiled : The Niqab in Court " (2014) 29 CJLS/RCDS 381-95. 2014 Shiri Pasternak, Sue Collis et Tia Dafnos, " Criminalization at Tyendinaga : Securing Canada's Colonial Property Regime through Specific Land Claims " (2013) 28 CJLS/RCDS 65-81. Mention honorable : Matthew Tomm, " Public Reason and the Disempowerment of Aboriginal People in Canada " (2013) 28 CJLS/RCDS 293-314. 2013 Sarah Marsden, " La nouvelle précarité : Temporary Migrants and the Law in Canada" (2012) 27 CJLS/RCDS 209-29. Mention honorable : Sarah Hamill, "Making the Law Work : Alberta's Liquor Act and the Control of Medicinal Liquor from 1916 to 1924" (2012) 27 CJLS/RCDS 249-65. 2011 Lori Chambers, "Women's Labour, Relationship Breakdown and Ownership of the Family Farm" (2010) 25 CJLS/RCDS 75-95. |